20 de agosto de 2007



Graças ao gaulês coça-tomates, o Pentagamia é agora um blog internacional, passando a denominar-se PENTHAGAMY. Já é lido por UM leitor estrangeiro que, imagine-se, intitula-se amigo do parasita de Viseu. Como se alguém pudesse ser amigo do Saraivix... Bom, mas o que interessa é que temos de dar as boas vindas ao moço como o Pentagamia bem sabe...


Thanks to our ball-scratching gaulman, Pentagamia is now an international blog, changing it's denomination to PENTHAGAMY. It's already read by ONE foreign reader which, believe it or not, calls himself a friend of the Viseu's parasite. As if someone could ever be a Saraivix's friend... Well, but what really matters is that we have to welcome the good fellow as Pentagamia well knows to do it...


12 comentários:

Angel disse...

Esta versão do saraiva internacional mete-me medo!

Ray Kinsella disse...

well first of all I agree with the comment above weather i did not understand a single thing :)

and thanks Saraivix for making such a gesture as writing in english and also not calling me friend :)
By this way I get rid of your friendly hellos as well.

By the way I wonder if ricardo saved that penalty :)

Strik3r disse...

Hey!!! It wasn't Saraivix who wrote it!!!!

If so, he would say he is the best, he is the greatest and Benfica is the best (which is true)!

I'm the author... not Saraivix.

Strik3r disse...

Hummmm... you're not english!

What a shame... Than the Ricardo joke has no meaning... oh well...

iksykovfed disse...

o gajo tem um blog escrito em turco.. :P

Ray Kinsella disse...


I should have understand that it was not Saraivix as long as there was nothing about Benfica or drinking :)

Anyway Thank you then Strik3r mate.


Mobster disse...

First of all...if i'd wrote that i wouldn't have given so many erros as Stik3r.

Second...Benfica who ? A shitty club that doesn't even come close to FC PORTO !! :D

But...i have to thank Strik3r (the one eye mormon) for writing the welcoming post to Ray.

He's a turkish FRIEND of mine :D He's my clan mate in a football simulator called FOOTBALL DOT MANAGER.

Welcome Ray. Stick around :D

I'll get Keith :D

Anónimo disse...

Yo Quierro Taco Bell

Didn't understand a word of that.

So Porto is good and Benefica is crap? Which team did Freddy Adu (17 year old american) sign with? He is apparently good (at least by US low standards).

Oh man, another multi-language blog to keep up with. At least there are US-Portuguese (sp) translators available on the web for free,unlike turkish.

Strik3r disse...

Who told you it is multi-language blog??????

If it was Saraivix, you know he is a lier...

PS: What's an "erros"????

Mobster disse...

Adu signed for Benfica...but poor kid...couldn't have chosen a worst club :D

Strik3r disse...

Yes he could...

He could have chosen FC PORCo (yes, porc... like porc chops...)

Angel disse...

Isto está cada vez mais assustador!